My SAS Tutorials

Wednesday, 23 February 2022

SAS Data Analytics in the Healthcare Sector - Sankhyana Consultancy Services

SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is widely utilized in clinical trial data analysis in pharmaceutical, biotech, and clinical research companies. The utilization of SAS in clinical researches has given unbelievable results in past years. SAS helps healthcare professionals to meet their business goals, generate great revenue, enhance strategic performance management and most importantly control costs. The healthcare industry is one of the most important industries in India when it comes to health welfare.

According to HIMSS Analytics and Dimensional Insights survey, 84% of healthcare organizations are using data analytics tools for decision- making for strategic planning. According to the report of FICCI (Federation of Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry), “India is the largest provider of generic drugs globally. Indian pharmaceutical sector industry supplies over 50% of global demand for various vaccines, 40% of generic demand in the US and 25% of all the medicine in the UK. Presently over 80% of the antiretroviral drugs used globally to combat AVAILS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) is supplied by Indian pharmaceutical firms.”

The Role of SAS Data Analytics in Healthcare: The major role of SAS in Pharma Analytics mainly focusses on generating the TLF’s or TLG’s. The CDISC standards like SDTM and ADAM which are used to standardize and to analyze the clinical trial data and the generation of reports can be only done by using Clinical SAS since FDA accepts only SAS reports. The department of BIO- Statistics is using clinical SAS for writing the SDTM and ADAM specifications and in the creation of SAP (Statistical Analysis Plan). CDM team is using SAS to perform data analysis before loading the data into certain databases. Analysis with clean data and validating the clinical trial data will reduce the pain on the FDA to have a good overview of the clinical reports. Hence most of CROs are preferring clinical SAS as the best tool to use for its safety and efficiency when compared with other software tools.

Why we need SAS Data Analytics in Healthcare? Clinical data is sensitive information that should be treated as an asset as well as a regulated commodity. Not only can improper management of clinical data cause the invalidation of an entire clinical trial, but it may also result in strict remedies, including serious financial penalties, from the FDA. At the time of this writing, the FDA has not issued revised CFR 21 guidance. This indicates that the FDA is still struggling with the difficult issues and requirements compliance for a clinical database. However, it is known that the FDA does request that all clinical DBMS prevent unauthorized access to data. This requires that data be password protected and allow updates only by authorized users of the clinical DBMS. The FDA also requires the maintenance of complete audit trails for clinical data. Both the entry and revision of clinical data is to be logged to indicate the user performing the action, the date and time of the action, as well as the reason for the change of data. These requirements and many others are all easy goals when working with the SAS System.

In addition to being easy to use, SAS is also the choice of the FDA for receiving and reviewing clinical data. The FDA is still requesting SAS transport data sets as the standard for receiving electronically submitted data. At a minimum, each FDA reviewer is equipped with the SAS System Viewer. Since the use of SAS is essential to clinical information management, keeping clinical data in SAS makes sense. Reporting is also effectively accomplished using SAS.

There is no doubt that the SAS Data Analytics tool has transformed the healthcare sector along with other sectors in India. In the healthcare sector, there are immense career opportunities for pharma background peoples, having SAS skill. Learn Clinical SAS with Sankhyana (SAS Accredited Centre), we are the best sas training institute in bangalore. 

Register here for SAS training:

Reach us: +91 8017768006,

Tuesday, 15 February 2022

Why Upskilling is important for Pharma Graduate Students?

Governments, industry, and academia are converging to find solutions to the problems caused by COVID-19, which emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Unsurprisingly, the life sciences and health care sectors are at the heart of the work. Healthcare may make most of the headlines, but the work abaft the scenes in life sciences labs is just as crucial.

SAS is one of the most used data analysis tools for clinical trials in the pharma industry. The pharma companies in India adopting the SAS tool on a very large scale. But the issue for them is lack of talent, there is a need for greater investment in this skill. Pharma Students & professionals need to upskill themselves to remain job-relevant. Sankhyana Education is dedicated to working with academia to produce the next level of pharma professionals by upskilling them to keep them industry- ready in the ever-growing pharma industry.

Why SAS in Pharma?

SAS (Statistical Analysis System) is widely utilized in clinical trial data analysis in pharmaceutical, biotech, and clinical research companies. The utilization of SAS in clinical researches has given unbelievable results in past years. SAS helps healthcare professionals to meet their business goals, generate great revenue, enhance strategic performance management, and most importantly control costs.

Pharma, especially for clinical trials data, embraced SAS software because it is a:

  • Programming Language — any data could be read; any report could be generated. A programmer with equal skills in the SAS language and a standard programming language could accomplish these tasks more quickly using SAS software.
  • Data Management system - Once clinical data was input into SAS datasets, even programming novices could sort, merge, match and maintain archives.
  • Proven statistical software that not only generated standard (to SAS Institute) reports but could output their results into SAS datasets for use in the SAS programming language to generate whatever specialized reports were required.

“According to HIMSS Analytics and Dimensional Insights survey, 84% of healthcare organizations are using data analytics tools for decision- making for strategic planning.” 

About Sankhyana Education

Sankhyana Education (SAS Authorized Training Partner), provides innovative, flexible, accessible blended learning solutions and career-oriented training following a competitive tendering process. Our aim is to better integrate pharmacy students into wider primary care by sanctioning pharmacists and pharmacy technicians to spend more time distributing clinical and public health accommodations to the benefit of patients and the public.

Benefits of Training with Sankhyana Education (SAS ATC Partner):

  • Career-oriented- training
  • SAS Authorized Trainers (with hands-on experience)
  • Access SAS authentic software (180days).
  • SAS Authentic study material.
  • SAS Authentic Curriculum.
  • SAS E-Learning package.
  • Digital Badge (Digitally engraved Credentials).
  • SAS Global Certification. (valid universally)
  • 24/7 support from SAS
  • 360- degree placement assistance


The pharma industry in India is witnessing high demand for pharma qualified professionals having SAS skills. The data in pharma domain is growing at a rate of 48% per year, and also the process of getting a drug to market requires an inordinate amount of clinical data analysis, they play a key part in the process whether they’re working at a drug company or a clinical research organization. Being a clinical SAS programmer there is a huge scope to switch into different departments like Clinical Data Management, CDISC Programming, Biostatistics, etc.

If you are ready to challenge your existing knowledge, and develop your personal and career development, take the next step with our training team.

Register here for SAS training:

Reach us: +91 8017768006,

Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Top 5 reasons why everybody should learn data analytics | Upskill with best Data Analytics training institute in India

 There's no doubt about it - analytics isn't just the way of the future, it's the way of right now! Having been adopted in all sorts of different industries, you'll now find analytics being used everywhere from aviation route orchestrating through to predictive maintenance analysis in manufacturing plants. Even industries such as retail that you might not associate with large amount of data are getting on board, utilizing analytics to ameliorate customer staunchness and tailor unique offerings.

With such a boom in the utilization of analytics, having the skills required to work with data isn't just valuable - it's all but essentiality. The consequentiality of these skills is only going to become more paramount in the future as more industries and businesses jump onto the bandwagon, which is why we're now optically discerning such a fixation on data analytics during higher inculcation. Here at Sankhyana, we believe everybody should have the chance to learn data analytics while studying, and in this article, we'll visually examine five reasons for what purport.

At heart, analytics is all about solving problems.

1. Gain problem-solving skills: At heart, analytics is all about solving quandaries. The quandaries just transpire to be on a much more sizably voluminous scale than what many of us are acclimated to - effecting entire businesses, along with the staff and customers that they accommodate. The faculty to cerebrate analytically and approach quandaries in the right way is an adeptness that's always utilizable, not just in the professional world, but in everyday life as well. Venture Beat expounds the value of deductive reasoning skills simply, explicating that:

"Being able to optically canvass sundry pieces of data and draw a conclusion is probably the most valuable adeptness for any employee to have, and surprisingly it's something that's too often missing from otherwise technically advanced employees."

2. High demand: This is the conspicuous benefit to learning data analytics, and the one most often fixated on by students in higher edification. Put simply, data analysts are valuable, and with a looming skills shortage on the horizon, as more and more businesses and sectors start working with astronomically immense data, this value is only going to increment. In practical terms, this denotes graduates with analytics skills will be able to command higher salaries and relish their pick of the available jobs.

3. Analytics is everywhere: Aside from the financial benefits that the high demand for data analytics can provide graduates, the immensely colossal data boom has additionally betokened that there are all sorts of incipient opportunities cropping up for aptitudinal employees. This could be working in a variety of different industries such as aviation or regime, or simply having the opportunity to peregrinate the world. With so many organizations looking to capitalize on data to ameliorate their processes, it's a hugely exhilarating time to commence a vocation in analytics.

The opportunity to leverage insight from data has never been more preponderant.

4. It's only becoming more important:: As we've physically contacted on, now is something of a boom time in the world of analytics. With the abundance of data available at our fingertips today, the opportunity to leverage insight from that data has never been more preponderant. This will have a few impacts but primarily the value of data analysts will go up, engendering even better job opportunities and vocation progression options. This makes now the impeccable time to commence a peregrination into the world of sizably voluminous data analytics, with many inculcation experts pushing the topic's consequentiality as so vital that it should be edified in secondary schools as well as higher edification institutions.

5. A range of related skills: The great thing about being an analytics specialist is that the field encompasses so much more than simply kenning how to work with data and solve quandaries. Affirmative, those are indubitably crucial elements, but data analysts withal need to ken how to communicate intricate information to those without expertise. These communications skills are a vital part of any vocation, and with the integrated benefit of being a central part of an organization's decision-making processes, analytics experts often pick up vigorous leadership skills as well.

Ultimately, there genuinely isn't any doubt that analytics is going to be an astronomically immense element of enterprises in the future. Getting ahead of the curve by learning analytics now provides a pathway to prosperity, as well as transferrable skills that can avail in every facet of life.

About Sankhyana: Sankhyana (Biggest SAS Authorized Training Partner in India) is a premium and the best Data Analytics Training Institute in Bangalore/India, offers the best classroom & online/live-web training on SAS and Data Management tools.

About SAS: SAS is the leader in analytics. SAS is the no.1 advanced skill to have in this data-driven

Register here for SAS training:

Reach us: +91 8017768006,

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Sunday, 6 February 2022

Why SAS for Clinical Research?

 As the market leader in clinical research analytics, SAS provides a secure analytics foundation and scalable framework for clinical analysis and submission. SAS robust analytic implements and techniques, including AI and machine learning, avail you gain a competitive edge in the high-stakes world of clinical research analytics – from getting tribulations up and running, to modernizing tribulation designs, to distributing life-transmuting therapies to market more expeditious and more efficiently. SAS withal provides the leading platform for data transparency, sanctioning you to securely share historical tribulation data with third-party researchers for the betterment of medicine.

Clinical trial modernization

  • Adopt an end-to-end clinical analytics substructure so you can spend more time on data exploration, data quality monitoring, and executing advanced analytics and statistics.
  • Integrate your clinical ecosystem and collaborate with partners.
  • Apply streaming and edge IoT analytics to tackle unprecedented magnification in data volume and velocity from the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) contrivances.
  • Use authentic world data to drive insight into the clinical development process.

Clinical trial operational analytics

  • Utilize advanced analytics to mimic the behavior of the enrolment process, expeditiously prognosticate likely outcomes, and test different approaches utilizing what-if scenarios.
  • Compare realized enrolment versus simulations, and habituate plans to stay on target.
  • Apprise site supply more efficiently utilizing enrolment presages.
  • Use genuine world data to apprise operational processes and make better decisions.

AI & Machine Learning

  • Drive automation and consistency across studies with machine learning.
  • Use machine learning to extract incipient insights and boost clinical development efficiency.
  • Use AI and machine learning to develop fit-for-future tribulation designs, e.g., virtual, pragmatic, and adaptive tribulations.
  • Use clinical data mapping to facilely store AI-powered transformation rules in a central database in alignment with genuine tribulation data and CDISC data standards metadata.

Clinical data transparency

  • Utilize our industry-leading clinical data transparency to apportion clinical research with external researchers for secondary analysis and advancement of incipient revelations.
  • Give researchers access to an unparalleled breadth of available data from more than 25 sponsors.
  • Potentiate researchers with maximum analytical depth and flexibility, including the utilization of open source and third-party licensed software.
  • Give researchers free access to data, and sanction for transparency platform interoperability

About Sankhyana: Sankhyana (SAS Authorized Training Partner in India) is a premium and the best Clinical SAS Training Institute in Bangalore/India offers the best Clinical SAS training on SAS and Data Management tools.

Register your interest here:

Reach us: +91 8017768006,

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